Monday, July 13, 2009

Unwanted Pregnancies with Few Options

In the United States (a first world nation, I think?) abortion and women's right to choice continues to be an extremely controversial issue. Of course we all hear of the radical protests, the picketing at abortions clinics and of course the Roman Catholic church has their opinion as well. However, it is emerging that many women in the US are trapped into a vicious cycle of having to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term for economic reasons. Basically, they can't find the money to fund their abortion. As well, if they do have insurance that has a component of government funding they are only allowed a Medicaid paid termination in cases of rape, incest and danger to the mother.
I continue to shake my head in astonishment that a nation that is so advanced in so many ways, can build so many barriers to control a woman's reproductive health. I'm not shy to state that I am pro-choice, I firmly believe that every woman, rich or poor should have full access to determine if she wants a child. Being forced to care for an unwanted child in the first place can be a burden that is almost too much to bear; I honestly cannot imagine the suffering and agony a woman would have to endure every day.

During my pregnancy around 14 weeks I had an ultrasound and quite by accident they realized that I was hours away from a miscarriage. I recall one of my doctors sitting with me explaining my options; but before she went too far she asked me point blank, do I want anything done or do I just want nature to take its course? I chose to have the surgery and have my wonderful Connor with me each day. But I am so fortunate that I live in a society where I am ultimately in control of what happens with my body's reproductive abilities.

I'm not sure this is something we covered in class but it was an interesting article I read on 'Womensphere'. I see abortion in the US as being on of those conversations that can't be won, like religion or politics. Everyone has an opinion and they think that theirs is right. Sadly, the US has many years of debate before they can progress and offer women the full control of their bodies as it should be.

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